Not Now Never No Way


NOT NOW NEVER NO WAY (K. McMaster)  –  4:53


Time keeps tick tick tickin’ my life away,

I’m so sick sick sick of your careless refrain,

I’m still wait wait waitin’ on you to decide,

And come out of that place that you like to hide


Not now, you say,

Never, never, no way,

Not now, you say,

Never, never, no way


I’m so secondary in your little life,

I’m the husband of an invisible wife,

The absentee father for a fictional child,

Left alone to fend for itself in the wild




Time keeps on passin’ and you’re still not here,

Probably with some other guy, sharing a beer,

Or on your knees in the middle of the street, your face wet with tears,

Or likely still, indifferent, and forgotten that I’m here




I’m still try try tryin’ to make my mark on this world,

Or brake brake brake the heart of some little girl,

Or maybe just mean something to someone someday,

Or be the boy for you, though you told me “no way”




(Copyright 2010, Kevin McMaster)