American Idle


AMERICAN IDLE (K. McMaster)  –  7:26


Watching the people on the streets today,

I couldn’t change their minds,

By dropping bombs on their family and friends,

I couldn’t change their minds


Some have no sense of self-preservation,

Just smudging the date on their expiration


Watching the people ’round their shelled-out homes,

I couldn’t change their minds,

By carrying a rifle and a U.S. flag,

I couldn’t change their minds


They don’t appreciate our determination,

Just ignorant fools from a Muslim nation


Heaping the bodies on the pile today,

We couldn’t change their minds,

Just as the Nazis tried all those years ago,

But didn’t change their minds


To justify extermination,

A pagan plight on a Christian nation


Pouring the fuel on the fire today,

He didn’t change my mind,

By preaching that we should kill them all,

He didn’t change my mind


Dogma is the infestation,

In the mind of the priest seeking revelation


He shot his friend in the face today,

It didn’t phase his mind,

Said he didn’t give a damn about his failing fued,

‘Cause he had closed his mind


May I suggest a clean castration,

A preventative strike against more procreation


Saw him stuttering on the news today,

Starting to lose his mind,

A democratic defense of his bloody deeds,

We couldn’t change his mind


When Dubya speaks it’s just masturbation,

Jerking off his dad’s frustration


Watching the idiots on the news today,

We didn’t change their minds,

They fucked it the first time, they’ll fuck it again,

We didn’t change their minds


Just more notes for publicating,

A blow job for a Nielsen rating


Watching the kids on reality shows,

We didn’t feed their minds,

Singing their bullshit in pursuit of fame,

It’s on all the time


Singing “Black Bird” to impress the nation,

While they haven’t got a clue about the British Invasion


In their beautiful houses, with their picket fences,

Couldn’t change their minds,

Monstrous flags hung on mobile homes,

We couldn’t change their minds


The world just sighs ’cause they’re more educated,

While the Yanks sit idle with their heads inflated


Watching from this distance had to shake my head,

‘Cause we couldn’t change their minds,

Worry ’bout a time when they might want us dead,

‘Cause you can’t change their minds





(Copyright 2009, Kevin McMaster)