


by Kevin McMaster


Canadian author and longtime Butterfly Bush collaborator Kevin McMaster discovered at a very young age that he rather enjoyed experiencing the world from a reclined position.  And having spent upwards of three decades looking up at the ceiling tiles (oftentimes with a cold beverage in hand) he felt he was finally able to aptly understand the nuances of skid culture.  So much so that he felt obliged to introduce the world to their kind.  Of course this meant that he would actually have to sit up occasionally to type a few pages into a laptop.  And though as painful as you can imagine this would be for him, it actually served as a mixed blessing for the author and would help him understand his characters more fully, as they would strive to accomplish their own goals.


Following the exploits of a group of friends who live small lives and have even smaller ambitions, Skids is a window into their lives as they carry on into their early twenties, while still living very much like teenagers.  Will any of them escape this downward spiral into mediocrity?  And more importantly, do any of them want to?  When drinking, partying and acting like a bunch of fools are your chief concerns in life is there really any reason to change?  When happiness can be achieved simply by playing air guitar to a Judas Priest song is there any need for anything else?  Maybe not.  But then again, maybe this life isn’t for everyone.  So join in the fun as this group of lovable miscreants struggle through their mundane lives trying to accomplish their minuscule goals and having a blast all the while.  Crank it up and grab a beer.  Wee-hoo!!!


Copyright 2010, Kevin McMaster.