


by Kevin McMaster


An accident in the wilderness.  A woman lies dead.  Fire and explosions.  Twisted metal and broken branches.  And blood.  To awaken from the dream, or the nightmare, and not knowing which is which.  Not knowing your part.  Not knowing good from evil.  Not knowing the unwashed from the clean.  The devils and the beasts creep around you.  But to hunt, or to welcome?


Kieran finds himself lost in the frozen woods, his wife Katherine dead in the snow, the twisted remnants of his car ablaze in the trees, and a waste-howling wilderness all around him waiting to get at his cold flesh.  But the treacherous terrain and the bitter cold blizzard winds aren’t the only dangers awaiting him in the woods.  Something hunts him.  And he must struggle through his memories deciphering what’s real and what is illusion if he is ever to discover the truth about the stranger Nero who appears in and out of the wilderness to torment him at every turn.


In this, the third screenplay by longtime Butterfly Bush collaborator Kevin McMaster, the author delves deeper into the horror genre and into the worlds of fantasy and the surreal.  Religion and lost spirituality become the main themes here, as was the case with such earlier works by the author as The Song And Dance Begins (PURCHASE HERE).


Copyright 2010, Kevin McMaster.