
Featuring the works of longtime Butterfly Bush collaborator Kevin McMaster, whose poetry and lyrics have appeared in many Butterfly Bush songs, also collaborating with the band on the film Teratogeny (PURCHASE HERE).




by Kevin McMaster


A comedy screenplay about a group of skids with small goals and even smaller ambitions.  The first follow-up to his experimental film Teratogeny (PURCHASE HERE) a complete change in direction for filmmaker Kevin McMaster.





by Kevin McMaster


Another change in direction for filmmaker Kevin McMaster, a horror story about a group of young teenagers journeying into their fears through altered perceptions, on the way to a haunted house where terror and horror await.





by Kevin McMaster


Another stab at the horror genre for writer Kevin McMaster, this time focusing more on the themes of sin and redemption while delving more into the surreal and fantastic horror of the guilty mind.


All books by Kevin McMaster.


Copyright 2009-2010, Kevin McMaster.